Our Story

In 1964 Mt Eliza Day School Committee (later named the Nepean Centre for the Physically Handicapped in 1974 and the Nepean Centre Inc in 2016) was initiated and founded by dedicated volunteer parents of children living with disability.

The Day School operated in conjunction with the Royal Children’s Hospital Orthopaedic section in Mt Eliza, which was later to moved to Parkville.

The Committee’s main task was to raise funds for equipment for the Day School students as well as: medical needs, wheelchairs, walkers, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational nurses and nursing aides for use by the educable students both at home and school. Later, the Committee took on the task of lobbying the state and federal governments for funds and change of legislation to support the rights for primary and secondary education of physically handicapped children, rather than relying on charity (eg Committee funding). After tremendous amount of lobbying parliamentarians, including a young Robert Hawke and Melbourne Socialite and fundraiser Vi Greenhalf, to bring about changes to registration of children with disabilities from charity to government. These changes were legislated in 1969.

During the 80s the Committee was full of energy resulting in promotion and lobbying to establish the Nepean School in Klauer Street Seaford in 1981, with full teacher and teacher aides, equipment and facilities. In this time parents raised concerns about necessary respite and support, they needed outside of school hours. Robert Hawke and socialite and fundraiser, Lady Ansett assisted the Committee to establish what is now known as the Nepean Centre, located at 26 Admans Ave, Seaford VIC. Opened in 1988 Nepean Centre become what is known as today a 5 bedroom respite facility. In 1989, the Committee were fortunate to receive 2 legacy trusts. One trust to assist children with disability the potential of going forward with drawing and painting. This was from Miss E M Butler. The second trust was an award for literacy from Miss J M Butler. This was to encourage students from the Nepean School who had a flair for writing.

In the 90s Stan Spencer was awarded Life Membership of the Nepean Centre, the Committee sourced and funded cost of 2-bedroom unit in Donald Grove Chelsea for 2 residents living with disability, as an independent living pilot scheme from DHHS.

In 2009 Fred Kilner awarded Life Membership of the Nepean Centre.

Our Values

  • Respect.
  • Integrity.
  • Collaborative.
  • Caring for People, Family and Community.
  • Accountability and Responsible.
  • Safe.

Our Vision

To continue delivering client driven services and sustainable growth in disability services. We are currently working towards building a new facility in Carrum Downs to provide long term accommodation for adults aged 18 – 25 years. We want this to be a technology advanced energy efficient living facility.


Our Mission

To consistently provide tailored and personalised support to every one of our clients, allowing families and carers to rest and recuperate, and to ensure families and carers can assist their loved ones to enter independent living arrangements as they become adults.




Nepean Centre is governed by a Committee of Management (NC CoM) made up of volunteers from the community and parents of current and past clients. We also have Associate members who for $2 membership fee are afforded access to the NC CoM meetings and Annual General Meeting.

Elli Adams
President of NC CoM
Mob: 0410 755 383